QFT-Plus is an accurate and reliable TB blood test. Discover how it helps doctors make informed decisions about patient care more quickly
TB Management

QFT-Plus: #1 TB blood test

We understand the importance of early detection and treatment of TB. That is why we are committed to providing a reliable, accurate and convenient test for patients and doctors alike. With QFT-Plus you can perform your TB testing with just one visit, one tube and one objective result. See how this #1 TB blood test can help you make informed decisions about patient care faster.

When it comes to TB testing, accuracy and timeliness are crucial. The consequences of a false negative can be severe, and delays in treatment can lead to serious health consequences.

That's where QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus (QFT-Plus) comes in. QFT-Plus helps you make informed, quick decisions about at-risk patients’ health.

What makes QFT-Plus the world’s #1 TB blood test?

QFT-Plus uses an Interferon-Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) to measure the T-cell immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB). Here’s how QFT-Plus provides peace of mind for both you and your patients:

Change your TB testing process for the better
Are you ready to implement QuantiFERON-TB testing in your practice?